Fish Aquarium Geeks Podcast



Hey! I got some new African Cichlids. The store near me was selling some bigger ones and I ended up buying them because the people there told me they hadn’t eaten any of the smaller African Cichlids. One of the workers is also a big African Cichlid keeper. She said that they should be fine with the smaller ones. Well I went home and figured out what kind they were specifically and it says they shouldn’t be with them at all! And that they will eat them! They’ve been together since yesterday and all the fish are fine and still alive. They seem to be okay together but I don’t want to wake up to my fish dead! Help! I called my pet store and they said I could bring them back but I really don’t want to. I really like them. What should I do??? Should I bring them back or will they be okay? What’s other people’s experience??? Help!

In most cases with most fish if they can eat it they will. I saw a koi with a pleco tail hanging out of its mouth the other day at a lfs. That’s just nature. Good luck

Well predatory haps like that livingstoni will suck in anything small enough to fit in his mouth I’m sure the eye biter will do the same if it fits they will eat it if it dont they will leave it alone for the most part and only mess with similar cichlids their size when fighting for dominance for the most part.. but every fish has it’s own personality

agree my experience grown haps will try and eat small small fry but once there a half inch they get completely ignored and only want to fight big fish close to there size

Add a few caves, even some small Walmart flower pots until you can find something better. You need line of slight breaks.

He should feed once per day. Don’t feed him more than that. He’s already massive. Just make sure he doesn’t get food that has fish in it. He will become a carnivore.

So just so everyone knows! We ended up keeping the Livingstoni and took the Malawi Eye Eater back.

What are the black cichlids in the other corner? Looks like the little guys are possibly Mbunas, the haps do better in larger aquariums with peacocks.

Hey guys, I need some help with one of my female dolphins. When I found her like this I removed her from the big tank and put her in a 10 gallon hospital tank that I have had continuously cycling. I did a 50% water change with Prime. What’s going on and what can I do?

Ok so i know this is an oscar group but im sure there are others like me that keep other fish in the tank. Check out this video 50secs in. Thrying to figure out whats going on with my cichlid. I just noticed her doing it last night. I pay close attention to my fish.

Laying eggs for sure, convicts are prolific breeders. You will have fry soon if you can keep others away from eating them

She’s laying eggs.  You got a male in there. Convicts breed very fast.  I have a pair. And we just do w frys and now that have another spawn going

Thanks eveyone for the info. Came home a little later after this post and sure enough. Eggs on the rock.